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Supporting Mediterranean economic actors
This section aims to support Mediterranean economic actors by providing them with regularly updated information related to the socio-economic, regulatory and political context, and the key priorities and sectors of each target country, shaping its business climate.
This information mainly concerns:
This guide provides clear and easy-to-understand information on the main ways of investing, procedures, tax and financial advantages, incentives for investors, regulations, taxes, etc.
It aims to help future investors to better understand how the different asset classes work and how they can invest in them.
This includes quantitative information, macro-economic indicators for each target country (GDP, Infrastructure, Demographic data, etc.). These data are open and freely accessible.
This guide presents the general trade framework (nomenclature and customs duties, trade agreements, etc.) of each target country and aims to assist promoters in mastering the procedures necessary to implement their projects. It provides them with the necessary means to internationalise their activities and better position their products on foreign markets.
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