In the setting of beautiful Malta, conveniently located in the middle of our beloved Mediterranean Sea, Maltese, European and Mediterranean Economic operators, SMEs and Business Support Organisations (BSO) representatives will meet to engage, discuss and foster the future of the Mediterranean business ecosystem tackling key trends within central sectors such as:
- Tourism and Hospitality
- ITC solutions
- Manufacturing
- Transport and Logistic sector within the blue economy
The event will take place in Sliema, Malta on the 14th and 15th of September 2022 and will feature different sessions ranging from keynotes, panels, and Sectoral workshops, B2B meetings and networking opportunities, and will also be the occasion to celebrate the 20th anniversary of BUSINESSMED.
The Roadshow and launch of the Business Country Desk under the theme ”Connecting The Mediterranean For A Sustainable And Resilient Future” and following B2B session is organized by BUSINESSMED in partnership with its Member, the Malta Employers' Association, MEA, within the framework of the EBSOMED project.
The event will tackle key sector for the future of the Mediterranean and its integration withing the Euro-Med African value chains, Manufacturing, Transport and Logistic sector within the blue economy, Tourism & Hospitality and ITC technology sectors.
Within the various panels and industry sector workshops we will tackle upcoming challenges, solutions, and present best practices of the 4 sectors. This will be an opportunity to engage with Euro-Mediterranean decision makers, experts and industry leaders. Following each session, recommendations will be formulated and shared.
The Med Business Days will also be the occasion to celebrate the launch of the Business Country Desk platform, which will be utilized to set B2B meetings during the event, and form concrete partnerships across the Mediterranean. The BCD platform combines a vibrant marketplace with space for networking and brokerage, as well as interactive sessions on the services offered.