Foreign Trade Policy

Lebanon is a country traditionally open to trade. Lebanon started implementing a liberal trade policy in 1990`s when it applied for WTO membership and the process stated in 1999 but negotiations are not finished until now. Lebanon also signed free trade agreement with the European Union and the EFTA countries in addition to the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA) with Arab countries. Lebanon has signed a framework agreement with the United States to promote trade and investment between the two countries. These agreements were accompanied by reforms in the business environment in Lebanon.  

Lebanon export increased from 2.8 billion USD in 2017 to reach 4.2 billion USD in 2021 despite economic challenges faced recently.

  • There is one international airport in Lebanon in the Capital Beirut (Rafik Hariri International Airport).
  • Port of Beirut is the major and busiest port in Lebanon and one of the busiest in the Eastern Mediterranean. The port is owned by Government of Lebanon and operated by Gestion et exploitation du port de Beyrouth. It is one of the top ten seaports in the Mediterranean Sea and serves as a gateway to the Middle East.
Price Policy & Inflation

Prices in Lebanon witnessed increases in the last years due to the Pound drop against foreign currencies leading to higher import prices for the domestic market which led to high inflation reaching more than 150% in 2021.

Trade Balance

Lebanon witnessed a remarkable increase in its exports which reached 4.2 billion USD in 2021 compared to 1 billion USD in 2002. This came after signing free trade agreements with Arab countries and the EU. Around 50% of Lebanon exports went to Arab countries with 25% going to United Arab Emirates alone.

  • The main export markets for Lebanese products are: United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Cameroon, Qatar, Egypt, United States, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkiye, Syria.
  • The main export products are: Natural or cultured pearls, fruits, furniture, vehicles, machinery and mechanical appliances, Iron and steel, electrical machinery, vegetables, plastics.
  • The main countries where imports come from are: Turkiye, Greece, China, USA, United Arab Emirates, Italy, Germany.
  • The main imports are: Mineral fuels, natural or cultured pearls, vehicles, pharmaceutical products, electrical machinery, machinery and mechanical appliances, cereals.

Source of data: Trademap (International Trade Centre)


Lebanon Main Export Products 2021:


Lebanon Main import Products 2021:


Lebanon Main Exports by Country:


Lebanon Main Imports by Country

Source: Trade map (ITC)

List of FTAs


Partner Countries

Text of the agreement

Additional information and URL

Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)

Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, United Arab Emirates.

Available in Arabic only.

The agreement entered into force in 1998 and reached full tariff-duty

exemption in 2005 among the parties to the agreement.


Lebanon and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

Lebanon- Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway

Annex EFTA Agreement

Signed in June 2004. The EFTA countries granted duty free access to Lebanese products on the entry into force, while Lebanon was granted grace period for abolishing tariffs.


The text of the agreement can be found through the following link:


Lebanon-European Union (EU) Association Agreement

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Original Agreement

The Agreement entered into force in 2006. The agreement included a 12 years transitional period for imports into Lebanon.

See the original agreement under the link:





List of regulations related to foreign Trade





Customs Law Decree Number 4461, dated 15/12/2000



National production Protection

National production protection law




Investment Law No. 360 for the year 2001






Export and import procedures

Import Procedures:

Imported or exported goods must be declared. Declarations are conducted through an Authorized Customs Clearance Agent (which is any person acting as a clearance agent or the licensed forward agents; or traders and their authorized agents; or non-trader individuals in the name of which, for whom or from whom, parcels of goods are exceptionally sent). The goods are declared through a detailed customs declaration form: "Single Customs Declaration". The "Guide of the Single Customs Declaration" explains all aspects related to the form, fields and data of the declaration; this guide is included in the "Officer's Guide" and is available at all customs offices and forward agents (see also Customs Guides). 

Import to Lebanon Processing requires the following documents

  • Declaration form based on the Single Customs Declaration;
  • Bill of Lading, or any other substitute document;
  • Packing List, the detailed itemized lists if the invoices do not include the required details;
  • Original Purchase or Commercial invoice (original);
  • Any other document required by the applicable laws and regulations (such as: the proof of payment, special statement of value elements, etc.);
  • Certificate of origin according to the Customs Act and the bilateral or collective treaties signed by Lebanon.

Note that Customs grants a regular temporary entry permit to foreign product that will be manufactured or under processing in Lebanon and then re-exported from Lebanon or displayed in free zones. This permit is valid for six months and is renewable, provided that the total period shall not exceed two years.

International Trade for SMES


Export procedures:

Exported goods must first be declared, declarations are conducted through an Authorized Customs Clearance Agent which is any person acting as a clearance agent or the licensed forward agents; or traders and their authorized agents; or non-trader individuals in the name of which, for whom or from whom, parcels of goods are exceptionally sent.

The goods are declared through a detailed customs declaration form Single Customs Declaration. The Guide of the Single Customs Declaration explains all aspects related to the form, fields and data of the declaration; this guide is included in the Officer's Guide and is available at all customs offices and forward agents.

What are the required documents to export from Lebanon for all type of goods?

Note that in order to export to any country, an importer/seller in the country of destination must be identified, in order to issue an export order.

  • Declaration form based on the Single Customs Declaration
  • Packing List, the detailed itemized lists if the invoices do not include the required details
  • Original Purchase or Commercial invoice (original)
  • Any other document required by the applicable laws and regulations (such as: the proof of payment, special statement of value elements etc.)
  • Certificate of origin issued by the Ministry of Industry and certified by the Lebanese Customs Authorities for exporting goods to Europe in accordance with protocol number 4 with the EU, where necessary

Required documents and export procedure


Lebanon average tariff rate is 6%, and for the agricultural products the average rate is 15.8 while the average for non-agricultural products is 4.4%. More than 22% of tariff lines are duty-free and 53% of Lebanon imports in 2020 were imported without paying import duties.

Tariff details


Lebanon Customs website includes information about the applied tariff rates for all products in addition the value added tax (VAT) for all products which could be found through the following link:

Integrated National Tariff

Agencies involved in foreign Trade




Ministry of Economy and Trade

The Ministry is mandated with overseeing foreign trade related issues.

Ministry of Economy and Trade

Riyad El Soloh Street-Azarieh building




Handling all customs transactions and related issues.

Ministry of Industry

+(961) 427 006


Lebanese Standards Institution (Libnor)

Responsible for setting standards and technical regulations.



Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL)

The Agency for Investment Development in Lebanon (IDAL) is the national investment promotion agency established in 1994 with the aim of promoting Lebanon as a preferred destination for investment, as well as attracting, facilitating and maintaining investment in the country.

Promulgated in 2001, Law No. 360 for Investment Promotion in Lebanon strengthened IDAL's mission by providing it with a framework for regulating investment activities in Lebanon and providing investors with a wide range of incentives and assistance services in the field of business.

In addition to its role as an investment promotion agency, IDAL is also responsible for the effective promotion of Lebanese exports, including agricultural and agri-food products.

Lazarieh Building, 4th Floor, Emir Bashir Street, Downtown, Beirut, Lebanon, PO Box 113-7251

Phone : +961 1 983306

Fax : +961 1 983302

Ministry of Agriculture

The Ministry is responsible for development of the agricultural sector.

Beirut Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Lebanon)
