Heritage Project Manager for Lerins Abbey that is the owner of Saint-Honorat Island in Cannes' Bay. I'm organizing and leading projects related heritage restauration, visitors experience and sustainable development.
ACTeon is a French consulting and research company specialised in environmental strategies and policies. The main objective of the team is to foster emerging solutions and innovations aiming at ensuring an effective integration of environmental dimensions in decisions and behaviors.
ACTeon advises a wide range of stakeholders (public institutions, companies, associations, NGOs…).
In order to provide adapted answers to specific contexts and stakeholders, the team mobilizes skills in environmental sciences, economics, sociology, political sciences, environmental law and spatial planning.
The team of around twenty consultants is based in the Rhine area with the main office in Colmar, as well as in the alpine arc with an office in Grenoble and one in Northern Italy in Torino. ACTeon works in France, in Europe as well as in the Mediterranean area and the Caucasus.tion
At Actis Global LTD, our vision is to become a leading global trading company that empowers businesses to thrive in the global marketplace. We believe that by leveraging our expertise, experience, and innovative approach to trading, we can help businesses navigate the complexities of international trade and achieve their growth objectives.
Our vision is founded on three key principles:
1. Empowerment: We believe in empowering businesses to achieve their full potential.
AIT Extension, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Economie Bleue
AIT Extension contributes to the development of the region through continuing professional education, short-course training and consultancy services. We do this by working to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration into the global economy. AIT Extension works across a broad range of sectors and disciplines.
The algae-based startup aims for using algae to tackle water-energy-food nexus challenges via cultivation using hypersaline water to bioremediate wastewater like desalination brine to protect aquatic environment while producing valuable biomass. The project also has a division for seaweed cultivation which could tackle climate change via carbon fixation (blue carbon) earning carbon credits and also, to produce feed extracts that could reduce the methane emissions of beef/dairy industries.
AmCham Morocco is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that represents American and Moroccan businesses and individuals, working towards the mission of supporting companies in expanding their businesses through advocacy, information exchanges, business networking, and comprehensive business support services.
Founded in 1966 by Moroccan and American businesses, AmCham Morocco operates under the auspices of the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C.
Isole Ciclopi is a national Marine Protected Area, established by the national law 394/91 on the istitution and management of Natural Reserves.
The mission of the MPA is to manage and preserve a portion of the Jonian Sea front of the SE coast of Sicily, in the center of the Mediterranean.
Targets of the mission are the Protection of the Biodiversity, the education of the population to the respect of the natural heritage, the information and the support to the traditional economical activity at sea.
Isole Ciclopi MPA is member of the RAMPS agreement that link six sicilian Marine Protected Area, the Sicilian Regional Government and the Italian Ministry of Environment.
So we will be able to aggregate and support planning on the whole Sicilian AMP panel.
The project Isole Ciclopi AMP propose in the EU Mission is the trial to institute a large offshore Marine Protected Area co ordinating the MPA Public authority management body and a private renevable energy industry. Overlapping the public and private initiative to establish a 8.000 ha's wind energy production field and manage it as an offshore MPA.