Manufacturing operations
Administrative and support service activities
Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel; Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
Activities of membership organisations
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
Extractive industries
Financial and insurance activities
Real estate activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Veterinary activities
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Wholesale and retail trade, renting and leasing
Energy and water supply; sewerage; waste management and remediation activities
Mining and heavy industry
Manufacturing of food, beverages and tobacco
Manufacturing of machinery and equipment, except electrical equipmen
Manufacturing of transport equipment
Manufacturing of electrical equipment, computer, electronic and optical products
Manufacturing of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Manufacturing of Textile, Apparel, Leather, Footwear and related products
Hospitality and tourism
Chemical industry
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Protection of the Environment
Human health and social services activities
Personal service - administrative support service- and security and investigation activities
Transportation and storage
Wood processing, paper and printing

The Business Country Desk (BCD), a regional initiative designed by BUSINESSMED and implemented within the framework of the EBSOMED project, will be officially launched in 2021 in Milan, Italy, on the sidelines of CONNEXT2021, an Italian national meeting of industrial partnership set up by the Confindustria with the aim of strengthening the business climate in a horizontal and vertical dimension.
The BCD is a platform, an online information service, with the ultimate objective of positioning and anchoring the excellence of the Mediterranean economy. It aims to:
- Provide access to reliable data shaping the business climate (Trade / Investment) of Southern Mediterranean countries
- Promote, foster and support synergies, and networking and B2B opportunities
- Connect economic operators in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and initiate and develop North-South and/or South-South business partnerships